
Para a compreensão do ódio ao Papa Bento XVI

The secular world, too, hoped the church would alter its doctrines to conform to a moral relativism that teaches there is no law above manmade law, and that what is right and wrong is decided by each generation. The notion that there is a higher law—God’s law, permanent law—to which all manmade law and human conduct must conform is anathema.###

But, still, why do they fulminate so? Why are so many journalists and cafeteria Catholics making fools of themselves denouncing Benedict XVI? The pope has no authority to force anyone to abide by church teachings. The church cannot interfere with the lifestyles of the rich and famous who wish to live together outside of matrimony, or enter into homosexual relationships, or have abortions, or throw over their wives. The church cannot punish anyone in this world. If they are punished in the next, it will not be Benedict XVI who sends them to hell.


What the world wants the church to do is to stop claiming it is the custodian of moral truth. Because the church refuses, it is hated. As an earlier pope would not bless the new marriage of Henry VIII, this pope will not accede to the world’s demands. And so Benedict XVI must and will be relentlessly attacked.