
Combatendo a pobreza

"The problem with presenting the eradication of poverty as an end in itself is that this implies the solution is to pour more money into the aid pipelines. Unfortunately, official aid too often tends to have the perverse effect of lining the pockets of the same unlovely regimes that engender poverty in the first place. Rich donors feel virtuous, dictators feel more secure, and legions of aid bureaucrats travel the world in a whirl of per diems and poverty-eradication conferences. Meanwhile, behind the fancy talk and big donations are often realities that on the ground look very different.
Somewhere between the heartfelt impulse to help the poor and the complexities of tracking the actual money, there has to be a better distinction made between dollars for dictators, and policies that actually help the poor." - Claudia Rosett

Fonte: The Foundation for the Defense of Democracies

É a velha e fajuta crença no poder mágico do dinheiro. Como se injetar mais dinheiro para erradicar a pobreza fosse suficiente para corrigir as deformações institucionais que estão na raiz do problema...