
"Digo-vos estas coisas para que a minha felicidade esteja em vós e a vossa felicidade seja completa..."

...For several years now, a small group of academic economists have explored what gives people the most happiness.

...One...recent paper by the two economists entitled "Money, Sex and Happiness," is getting a lot of attention because it spells out the sexual relations of Americans and their measured effect on happiness. Blanchflower describes the paper as an "incredibly moral" one that should please "the Pope."

That's because it finds, for instance, that those in a monogamous, faithful marriage are the happiest. In the dry language of the paper, "The happiness- maximizing number of sexual partners in the previous year is one."

Those who cheat on their spouses are less happy. Those who have ever paid for sex are much less happy than others. So are those who divorce.