
Sementes do Ódio

In our countries, religion is the sole source of education, and is the only spring from which that terrorist drank until his thirst was quenched. He was not born a terrorist, and did not become a terrorist overnight. Islamic teachings played a role in weaving his ideological fabric, thread by thread, and did not allow other sources- I am referring to scientific sources - to play a role. It was these teachings that distorted this terrorist and killed his humanity. It was not (the terrorist) who distorted the religious teachings and misunderstood them, as some ignorant people claim.When you recite to a child still in his early years the verse: "They will be killed or crucified, or have their hands and feet on alternate sides cut off," regardless of this verse's interpretation, and regardless of the reasons it was conveyed or its time - you have made the first step towards creating a great terrorist...
Links Úteis:
Aprendizagens da infâmia, Vasco Graça Moura
Seeds of Hatred (vídeo)
Shahada Explained (vídeo)
Palestinian Message (vídeo)
Palestinian Media Watch
Site do Hamas para Crianças
Egypt: Palestinians trained bombers
This is a Saudi textbook. (After the intolerance was removed.)